Sunday, February 7, 2010

We've got an opossum trapped under our outbuilding -- now what?? Can't use poison because of our little dog

there are companies in the yellow pages that deal specifically with wild animals trapped in chimneys, etc... These places will come out, set a live trap, and get the animal out, and released into an appropriate area for that animal. I'm not sure what the cost is, but it's probably worth the safety and security of yourself and your animals! Good Luck!We've got an opossum trapped under our outbuilding -- now what?? Can't use poison because of our little dog
Call the game warrant.


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We've got an opossum trapped under our outbuilding -- now what?? Can't use poison because of our little dog
Shoot it an' eat it!
I would get a trap from a farm %26amp; ranch store and try to catch it in that. Then when you have it caught in that trap, take it out of your area, maybe in the country someplace, and turn it loose.
First of all, I believe that the opossum may have more teeth than you would like to deal with.(be careful) Do not try to scare it,poke at it, or make any possum jokes.(at least within earshot of the possum) Please consider calling Animal Control of your area. They are known to contract rabies, because of the food they like to eat. They may also be a danger to your little dog. Dont play ';possum'; when you are dealing with potentialy dangerous wild animals. Have a nice day!
call animal control.

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