Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What can I feed the opossum that is in the backyard every night? ?

Possums eat whatever you give them including table scraps.


';So what do you do if you find one of these creatures in your backyard. Pretty much you just leave them alone. Why? They are really good for your backyard. They are going to be eating those things you probably don't want to have around like cockroaches, snails and rodent nestling's. Hey did you know these guys will even eat rattle snakes? Yep, they are immune to the venom of the rattle snake. Now the Opossum is an Omnivore. Omni means all and vore means eater so it is eating all kinds of things. It is eating plants and animal material in its diet just like a human being so you might be a little bit concerned about what kind of plants it is eating in your backyard. Fear not! It is going to be eating those over ripe fruits and vegetables that fall to the ground. You know the stuff that is black and getting rotten. Okay you might say aren't they arboreal or aren't they in the trees? Well they do climb in the trees to get from place to place and pretty much they are going off there to get away from predator like you and your dog. So these guys are really good at cleaning up your backyard because not only are they eating that rotten fruits and vegetables on the ground, they are also eating carrion and carrion is a nice way of saying an animal that is already dead.';What can I feed the opossum that is in the backyard every night? ?
It'll eat anything. Just give it the left overs you don't want to save. =)

But, if you feed it it will keep coming back, and opossums can be dangerous and they can't be domesticated.What can I feed the opossum that is in the backyard every night? ?
Don't! Never feed wildlife. You are asking for trouble.
pizza bread
They love apples.
They like fruit alot.

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