Sunday, February 7, 2010

Strange as it sounds i want to get a pet opossum. How do I get a permit for this in indiana?

there wild!Strange as it sounds i want to get a pet opossum. How do I get a permit for this in indiana?
Well I don't think u can get a permit for that..


....u can probly sign up with an wild animal rescue in your area (if u have one) and if they find abandoned baby possoms, or a hurt possom or somthing, you can probably provide foster care for it until it stops needing it....or if they don't happen to come across possums, maybe they'll find something else (but i understand it's not the same thing)

sry if this answer has wasted ur time and is completely useless...

but thanx for reading it :)

Ps. and if u DO sign up for the wild animal rescue, u should probly tell them beforehand that U want to fostercare possums, so that if they find them, they'll let u fostercare them instead of someone else..... :)

pss. GOOD LUCK!!!!Strange as it sounds i want to get a pet opossum. How do I get a permit for this in indiana?
First, you have to have proof that you did not take the animal from the wild. That you bought it at a breeder, pet store etc., then you contact dnr. You will need to find a vet that will take care of your critter for life,as they will fill out their section of dnr paperwork. Then you pay 15 dollars,and you have to have the proper requirements for the critter you have (dnr will send requirements in your packet) then an dnr officer will come out to your home to inspect where the animal will be living and make sure all of dnr requirments are met for that animal, if you have everything, they send you a permit in the mail and you re new it each year. Its up to the officer in your area if they want to come to your home on the re new to check out the animal. Then you will need to take the animal to the vet each year for a check up and send a copy of those records to dnr each re new. Goodluck with your critter!!!!! :). Remember if you raise wildlife and you keep them past the age of proper release, they are yours for life and bonded to you, you just can't ';let them go'; when and if they get aggersive, or mean, or only like one person in the house. It will be many years,and most wildlife,you can't go on vacation,or nights away,and have a friend feed them. They truely are yours and won't survive in the wild. I wish you nothing but the best!!!!
If you cant find an opossom in indiana. get rats! heres why! Please get these wittle critters!

Many people categorize rats as filthy and scary. In fact, many stories blame rats for carry disease and being responsible for the Bubonic Plague. Rats have a bad image.

Many people have discovered that rats make excellent pets and are a good pet for children. Rats are rodents and belong to the same family as mice. Many people think about calling the exterminator when they see either. It is true that wild rats can carry disease and it may be entirely possible that they contributed on some level to the spread of the Bubonic Plague. One has to keep in mind though that all wild animals can carry and spread disease.

Humans have nothing to fear by the domesticated rats that are sold in pet stores. Rats are generally very people-oriented. They are extremely friendly and tolerate many hands-on encounters. This is why with proper teaching they make great pets for children. They rarely bite and will not get squished as easily as a pet mouse or hamster. A curious rat can be taught to come when you call its name, provided you provide treat reward. Some rats prefer to remain perched on the owner's shoulders. There is only one drawback in keeping rats: they have a short lifespan and tend to only live between two to three years.

Rats are found in a variety of colors and markings. When evaluating a prospective pet rat it is important to make sure that the rat has a soft coat, bright eyes, and healthy feet, nose and ears. You should choose a rat that is curious and does not appear frightened by humans. You should pay close attention to make sure the animal鈥檚 breathing does not appear labored or wheezy. Rats are notorious for getting respiratory infections so it is important to start with a healthy pet.

Rats by nature live in colonies. They are very social animals so keep this in mind. If you can鈥檛 satisfy your rat鈥檚 constant craving for attention, getting him a buddy works well. Just make sure that the two rats are the same sex or you will have many rats every thirty days or so. When bringing a new rat home allow it several days to adjust before you handle it. You should also avoid loud noises and abrupt movements the first couple of days that the rat is in your home. You can speed up the bonding process by offering a treat such as a Cheerio or piece of cheese. Daily interactions are important for you and your rat.

When handling a rat, you can grasp two hands around the girth of the rat. The key idea is to do all movements gently and slowly.

You will need to house your rat in a cage while you are gone. Letting rats have free roam of the house spells disaster. This is especially true if you live in a house with a cat. The ideal rat retreat should be spacious and well ventilated. A fish tank works OK but make sure you have a screened top to prevent escapes. A rabbit cage is also an option with the bottom consisting of half-inch square mesh. Even safer is a solid bottom bird cage. Fish tanks are not as well-suited for a rat as rabbit cages. Rabbit cages provide more ventilation and this is crucial for a rat since they are prone to respiratory infections. You will need to keep the cage in a temperature range of 70 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Rats enjoy burrowing so you will need to provide rats with a habitat to do so. You will want to avoid cedar or pine shavings for a bedding because they cause respiratory infections. Aspen shavings are the best, but shredded newspaper also works well. Fill the cage bottom with two or three inches of shavings so that your pet can burrow. Rats can be litter trained because these animals tend to urinate and defecate in the same spot, most commonly in a corner.

The habitat must be large enough for the rat to exercise and feel comfortable. If you are housing more than one rat you want to make sure it is large enough for both. Overcrowding leads to stress, and stress leads to an unhealthy rat. Rats will run a wheel or even an exercise ball when given a chance. It is important to also have a place where rats can hide. Cardboard boxes and PVC pipes work well. Rats also like to gnaw so you can satisfy this urge with rodent blocks, or the hard rubber bones you see for dogs. Rats enjoy climbing and will climb ladders or shelves.

Rats have a high metabolism and must have food at all times. They must eat every few hours. We are taught that rats will eat anything. Avoid unhealthy teats for them such as junk food or leftovers. The best thing to feed your pet rat is a diet especially formulated for them. Rat chow can be purchased at the pet store. You can also supplement your pet鈥檚 diet by giving clean fruits and vegetables. A varied diet will keep these animals entertained. You will want to feed your rat in a dish that is easy to clean and one that is not easily tipped. A water bottle is best for these animals and should be changed daily. Rats can be left alone

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